Nauset GSA


Mental Health

National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-8255

Trevor Project Lifeline - 1-866-488-7386

Trans Lifeline - 1-877-565-8860

Find a Therapist Nearby


"Transgender Map" by Andrea James - lots of different resources to help you through the complex process of transition

BCH Gender Multispecialty Service - The clinic for gender/transition-related care at Boston Children's Hospital

Trans Lifeline Microgrants - Trans Lifeline also provides financial assistant towards trans people paying for transition

Map of Informed Consent Clinics in the United States

Student Resources

Campus Pride Index - College ratings based on LGBTQ-inclusiveness

NPS Harassment Policies/Procedures - Our guide to the Nauset policies related to harassment and its reporting (work in progress)

Learn Something New - Read about bisexual people and history